
Sunday, March 26, 2017

MUST WATCH: Simon Sinek "Start With Why"

Last week, Professor Werner Kunz's Social Media Marketing class had the opportunity to hear from Salesforce Chief Digital Strategist Vala Afshar. He imparted some great insight on a range of topics related to trends in the digital and social spaces, about how businesses recruit talent today, and what the next generation of businesses will entail, namely a combination of modern services, convenience, and a good story. He also pointed out some great content that reiterates his point of view -- pretty valuable coming from a thought leader with 180,000+ followers! 

Specifically, he recommended this Ted Talk by Simon Sinek, who discusses the golden circle, beginning with "why," and how important it is to attract people (and customers) who believe in what you believe in. His point is that people don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it. Check it out, and start thinking about why you want to launch your business in order to get your audience invested in your idea!

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